Is the poet a born sailor? May his wish come true then, may he leave desk, and slavery to business behind, for a life more suited to his nature and inclination. Maybe there's enough money to buy a boat? I wondered if the tears were connected with stock market losses.

My father loved sailing, I was more attracted to speedboats and cabin cruisers. Once though, at sea in one of the latter, a serious squall suddenly blew in, and I, age 12 at the time, was assigned to the steering wheel, with instructions to keep the boat headed straight into the huge waves--thump, thump, thump-- while the rest stayed busy bailing water. This may have been when I first realized the usefulness of a keel, which pits waterweight against windweight. Clearly I came thru it alive, but to be honest, still prefer cabin cruisers despite their relatively flat bottoms.

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Beautiful. Thank you.

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