Frank Watson is an excellent translator and it's good to see his work being published by The Chained Muse.

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I find this poem to be very simple, serene, and relaxed. It sounds like a good description of what I'm trying to achieve in my own life right now. I must go and seek a mountain somewhere. But having the time to do so is indeed a great blessing!

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But will you grow bored when you find peace?

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I'll bring a few women with me. Well, no - one should be more than enough at this stage. I don't want to get a heart attack!

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Very peaceful and meditative poem!

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Wang was lucky not to degenerate physically, or lose mobility, in his old age, as I'm surmising from the poem he didn't. It's really all in the luck of the draw.

I'll never know what they were laughing about, but must assume they weren't feeling despondent or any bites of pain.

Though Wang generally had no company apparently, at least he had himself intact it would seem.

Just observations.

Easy to read. Could make some envious.

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Yes, we should all be so lucky!

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Yes, well, young immortals have yet to arrive, wherever their personal fate takes them. From a distance, no doubt walking and laughter seem inevitable, since what else have they known in most cases? That illusion is likely to be dispelled, however. Time's teeth are escaped by few.

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Yes, hoary Father Time has a way of catching up on unwary children.

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